Absolutely amazing! These are very complex in the order of jobs per print. Good job getting your procedures correct I always seem to mess mine up…
Thanks man! Im can write up my process if itll help at all (was planning on doing it anyways as a comparison I promised to do for @dan)
Yes, please
That would be a great write up for existing and future GF users. For my use
in testing, I keep the current browser active so that I am able to run the
same exact test on multiple units. But an ease of use for setting the
procedures is what I really need so that I can keep my settings the same
each time I set it up.
I REALLY want to see that Predator pic engraved. I’m a sucker for anything Predator.
( sucker = lollipop)
I wonder too whether we will need to understand the ‘manual’ 3D process for non-Proofgrade materials.
Hopefully 3D Engraving will be supported for all material types, not just Proofgrade.
It will work for non-proofgrade. You just have to type in the settings yourself
Your statement should be qualified with, “This is how it works with the pre-production machine as it now stands.”