Pro-fess your Pro-ness, please!

The pass through was the leading factor when I upgraded. With recent issues seen on the basic with operating in warmish temps I’m glad for the cooling.
While I’ve done very little with leather as of yet my plans include using the pass through to cut larger peices of leather for bags.

I think it would be an amazing story! A homeless Glowforge wanders the streets alone, lasering trinkets for spare change. With the internal fortitude of closed loop chilling it lasers on and against all odds lands in a prestigious gallery. Soon it is on top of the art world with works showing in galleries and museums around the world.

On a more serious note I still show in a local gallery but it isn’t quite the same. It is more to keep my name out there but I’m slowly getting the house into art mode. Between my own maker space and art space I foresee lots of fun projects in my future. :wink:


Main factors for Pro. Restating all my fellow 'forger’s sentiments.

  1. Passthrough
  2. Power

minor 3) cooling

I plan to make some light weight furniture with the passthrough. small speaker’s stand, some signage, etc. Granted I’ll have to do some gluing on some stress bearing parts (glue two 1/4 inch pieces together after they are cut.


Woahhhhh I hope you do this.

Don’t take this the wrong way @bailey, the only thing I want to see is my Glowforge on my work bench. HAH


Totally understand. I do too. And the way I see it, is the better I can do my job right now, the more I’m setting up Glowforge to serve our customers for a loooooong time to come.


what made me choose Pro over Basic? : #1was definitely the teleport gate to the future that made my mind and now I found out I get free laser glasses that I can take with me Woohooo!. #2 the passthrough

Looking forward to see GForge pro videos!


If you get a blank wood skateboard, with the wheels not attached yet, it would probably make a pretty good video to show off the pro and the passthrough. I bet you might be able to find a skateboard shop who would donate that board, or let you use it if you give it back to them afterwards, all for some branding on the video of course. They could then deck it out, pun intended, with wheels, etc.


that would be sweet, but I don’t think we’ll be able to get an actual skateboard deck through the passthrough slots: Decks aren’t flat (and that’s not even thinking about the nose and the tail!)


Ah, good point, I need to get some calipers…


Calipers are mandatory, there are a lot of things that are nice to have but you just have to have calipers.


Then, we have the rulers that have been produced when GFers get their unit, maybe we should have a Glowforge Founder YARDSTICK for the Pro Units. Heh, this will show the passthrough.


Agreed. I went over 47 years without ever using one and now I use it many times a day.


Have you seen the :glowforge: square? A must have and only uses a small amount of acrylic. Another daily use item.


No, but will search it now. Thanks

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Here’s one I did, but I haven’t uploaded the one set to the larger bed dimensions. Give me a second.


Originally, I ordered the Basic in December 2015, and after a year, to the day to be exact, I pulled the trigger, and upgraded to the Pro with filter. The pass through slot was the one feature that interested me the most. The capability to lase projects beyond the bed limitations just makes the Pro that much more versatile. My thought was, I’d rather have that feature and not use it, as opposed to needing that feature and not having it. The 45 watt CO2 tube and upgraded cooling are a bonus also. As for projects, I have lots in mind however, I haven’t even begun to learn Inkscape or Photoshop so it’ll be a while before I get from concept to completion.

I plan on running veneers through the glowforge and just adding another layer to the deck. A bit of sanding and you’ll never be able to tell it was after the deck was built.


I recently preordered a pro after finally freeing up some money. I went with the pro because of the cooling. I think the importance of the cooling has been a little understated, and I almost went a different direction because there isn’t a way to hook up a more powerful water chiller. The reason I still went with Glowforge, is the commitment to costumer service I have observed. I have seen too many hobby tech companies that put out incomplete equipment and then don’t invest in support.