This was the information I needed. Thank you.
Let me to a googling of HOW to do that.
according to How to Change a Stroke Into a Shape in Adobe Illustrator | Small Business -
Choose the appropriate Adobe Illustrator drawing tools and create the objects and shapes you need for your artwork. Open the Stroke panel by choosing “Stroke” from the Window menu if the panel isn’t already visible. Enter a value in the Stroke field.
Select “Outline Stroke” from the Path fly-out menu of the Object menu. Adobe Illustrator turns your object’s stroke value into the dimensions for its path elements.
Double-click on the Fill swatch in the Adobe Illustrator toolbox to bring up the Color Picker. Choose a fill color for your object. Open the Gradient panel by choosing “Gradient” from the Window menu if you want to apply a gradient fill instead of a solid color.
Add a stroke weight and color to your object if you want to outline in a contrasting shade. Apply a dashed or dotted line style for an interesting edge treatment.
Wish me luck.