Schedule update (December '16)


That’s @dan’s alure. He communicates a lot. But take a step back and ask yourself this. If Dan is communicating a lot, why is everyone shocked and angry by the announcement yesterday? Shouldn’t they have their expectations set by Dan during is daily communication?

They don’t owe anything to users suffering currency issues. This is the way pre-orders work, no company anywhere gives you extra money to cover currency fluctuations, and demanding them simply makes you sound like a child.

I don’t like the way the company chooses to update - they like the crowd-funding moniker but they’re not really a crowd-funded company, and for better or worse, this is reflected in how they interact with the community (which in all other ways is top notch, I think). Dan has said repeatedly that he isn’t going to change how he delivers updates to people so you need to either make peace with that or buy a different laser.

I mean I gotta say I used to find Dan continually offering refunds to criticisms really annoying but after this I completely get why he does it.


Nooooooo arghargharghargh froths at mouth
throws a fit
throws a hat
looks angrily at cat
looks confusingly at cat
I don’t own a cat…
SIUGSUGjsgjdghsaaa attempts to chew keys off keyboard

Hey thanks for the update, Dan. Appreciate it, see you in Julyish. :slight_smile:



@scottmillersb - I know you are very, very angry, and you feel like your specific questions are being overlooked.

That’s not true. @dan is aware of every issue that you have brought up. The problem is…some of your specific requests can’t be accomodated, and you’re not hearing it when he says that. It’s not that he doesn’t want to tell you specifically that you are going to get a machine on a certain date, it’s that he doesn’t know yet.

Dan is not going to sit down and give us specific steps that he’s taking to resolve issues. If he did that for every person who asked, we’d be another two years out before we get the machines.

That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t consider your points valid…just that he has to focus on building the machines, not answering ten thousand questions.

He has made note of every one of your points. And sometimes the answer is no.

What you need to do, and I mean this without any judgement or condemnation at all, is sit down, think about it for a little while, and decide if the machine is right for you. Can you afford to wait a few months for it, or do you absolutely need to have something to work with now? Because he can’t offer any guarantees with this machine.

You need to take care of yourself.


Yeah, what you said(I can’t say it any better)


@scottmillersb… there comes a point when trying to placate individuals becomes too much effort to be worth dealing with.

It’s not that I don’t think you’ve made valid comments, it’s that you’ve been told what you can be told and keep insisting on more in a manner that is at least distracting and at worst harassing.

You want details and information that the Glowforge lawyers have told Dan he isn’t going to provide. I honestly think that @Dan should be firing you as a customer. If you’re not satisfied with his approach, take back your money. He has many other individuals other than yourself to deal with.


@dan announced the dates, they are on the top of this and every thread in the forums. But its the same as the last several announcements. By now you have to concede there is a problem. It’s clear here where everyone is a paying customer. What @Dan needs to do is show its not business as usual, that worked the first 3 times.

The answer hasn’t ever been no, its been we will think about it, or we will win your trust by shipping, or the team is working 100% to deliver, etc ad nauseum.

Dan needs to quit spinning and giving out nothing but fluff and feel good. He has mislead every customer in a way that could only be considered purposeful at this point. I think we are asking for something reasonable this time. We would like Facts and Plans. Because without it, there is Confusion and Misinformation.

Is this really too much to ask?

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It’s too much to ask only because you are not hearing the answers that have been given. You seem to want only the answers that satisfy you.


The lawyers decide how frequently Dan can communicate with the audience?
They decide if he can tell us how he is going to make this next date?

Your statement is broad and lacks Facts. I am sure there is something’s he can’t talk about. If so he needs to be specific and say, “sorry I cant talk about that due to legal concerns”. He did that today in the stream when discussing the warranty and parts supplier. It was an acceptable response. Most of what was requested in my update has nothing to do with legal and everything to do with @Dan’s decisions on how @glowforge communicates with its customers.

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@dan Much love here from Singapore. After seeing the 3D engrave for a 2.5D engraving experience. I am getting more punped as it is a result and not a theory anymore. I don’t mind the wait. Good things come to those who wait. But i don’t know if your email missed me or something. I saw the forum post but yet to receive any email you mentioned. Are there also owners like me who saw the post but has not received said email?

I’m afraid my purchase has been forgotten by your team.


They can, yes. And yes, they can dictate how he presents the information regarding the next date. It’s to safeguard against future liabilities through innocuous admission of facts. It’s why press releases are not only written by PR departments, but carefully reviewed by lawyers before publishing.


If I am missing something in the 600ish posts, please let me know. Every question I have is listed in the top of both threads and I will gladly update it or admit my error if something was answered. But lets be clear, I am looking for Facts and Details, not platitudes. No more PR spin, no more softball pitches so @dan can tell us how amazing Glowforge will be, if they can ship it at some point.

Is it really too much to ask how he plans to improve communication with the audience?
What is he going to change, add, etc to make sure they don’t miss their next shipping deadline?

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several people mentioned the email went to spam folders. I don’t know if that is the case for you or not. Did you get a confirmation email when you ordered? if so, I would think all is good.
if not, you should probably write a note to


I’m guessing you want a look at the detailed project timeline, a thorough explanation of the techncal details as to what went wrong and the status of each unit assembly. You want information as to production line throughput, certification tests, reliability data, etc. You want the CEO to resign, You want a shakeup and reallocation of people. Now I’m going to say this as politely as I can. You are not going to get it.


As someone who has 20 employees and did 12 years of marketing and PR. I can tell you that you are incredibly wrong. Dan in the stream today highlighted a specific instance where he couldn’t talk about a specific part of Glowforge until the copyright had been completed. That’s perfectly understandable. But telling people they can’t have an update because everyone’s too busy or the camera was lost or its in the basement, maybe next week… Thats nothing but a poor excuse.

Keep in mind that Glowforge Inc. is not a publicly traded company so they have no issues with the SEC

Seeking to elevate yourself as the primary resource of solving all ills smacks to me of Messiah complex (which is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder, however, the symptoms of the disorder closely resemble those found in individuals suffering from grandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur.)


I have 50 employees and 25 years in government and private business experience. I can tell you that you’re incredibly wrong, too.

It doesn’t matter if it’s publicly traded. Liability law does not discriminate.


Not at all @rpegg here is an example of what would be reasonable.

Identify area’s of the project that have bottlenecked the project.

Example: We are having issues with our web portal development timeline and have contracted with and industry expert to advise us. I will update you on the status of this in X weeks as I get more information. We have X problem with Y part of the project staying on time and will be hiring X people to increase our resources. I will update you in Z weeks with more details.

I think you are the first person who has said anything about @Dan resigning. But there have been calls from myself and others for accountability. @dan has said he didn’t do this right, now he needs to say how he will do it right in the future.

If the communication had been solid, zero people would have been shocked today, because their expectations would have been managed.

The terms and conditions have always stated that it is not ready for delivery and delivery times are estimates and may be severely delayed, and that it was subject to change due to manufacturing. Which ag the time told me it was a prototype that hadn’t begun manufacturing.

But I doubt most people read the terms and conditions when they agreed to them. Glowforges is written pretty clearly, but its still not really an easy read.


I am not a lawyer, not sure if you are one either. But my understanding of liability law requires loss or damages. With 100% refunds there is no loss, except potentially for international purchasers.