About the worst thing that could happen to the Captain of a carrier was to receive a envelope from COMSUBLANT/PAC with a photo of their ship taken through the targeting periscope of a fast-attack. Rates right up their with running aground.
Gratitude for the recognition, but it is I who is thankful, I was privileged to have been a small part of that. Best move I ever made besides my marriage.
It’s a beautiful build. Very awesome, and a case where Glowforge would alter the workflow. Beautiful work.
I could see my technical half enjoying this build quite a lot. Right now he’s waiting for a broken 25-year old Macintosh to arrive so that he can do a build, the vision of which I don’t see yet. His raspberry pi is in a custom Lego case, and he plans to make a case with the glowforge. He may very well take inspiration from you.
Vey nice. I have 4 RPis and I use them for all kinds of projects. Never built cases which would be helpful. Nice inspiration. One is going to be made into a wifi enabled thermometer for my pizza oven. I have four thermocouples embedded and never finished the electronics.