I don’t have a link to the original posts for this spreadsheet, but here’s the direct link to the Google sheets file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sWOebDU94HwezYPbHa3YdtXjpLbEl_vEPvCb1dSByL4/edit#gid=2079951607 (Look for the GF laser settings tab)
It’s a little misleading being called Glowforge Links as this spreadsheet is much more than that. It has tabs for suppliers, settings and tutorials. I always had a hard time finding it in the forums, since I was looking for “non-proofgrade settings” document, not “Glowforge links” document. (I’m not criticizing the creator’s name for the file).
You can also add your own settings to the spreadsheet so everyone can benefit.