Temporary Glowforge?

Just thought I’d mention that this is the stuff used to make licorice. There’s no smell and doesn’t burn my skin if I get it on me. I’m heating it outside, but it seems completely safe to me.

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I expect it reacts with the wood and is spent in the reaction that makes it change colour, so there may be none at the end. Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid so it isn’t too caustic at lower concentrations anyway.

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Having said that I do remember vomiting into a drawer full of socks after drinking too much Robinson’s Old Tom (only three pints IIRC, it’s lethal). The next morning I threw them in a bath of cold water and went to work. When I got home I washed them in a machine. When they came out they were full of holes!


TMI. Lol


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time! I’m sure to you, it was not the least bit funny at the time. :relaxed:

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It was a long time ago, when I was in my early 20’s. When I awoke in the morning I had only a vague recollection and thought I must have dreamt it. Then I opened the drawer to find it was true.