THE 3D Engrave

That’s what I thought. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks for the clarification Dan!

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Well, were excited to see it whenever you have time!
Dont forget about us 3d engraving junkies. Its kinda like virtual christmas getting to see this stuff


Thank you sir! Keep hanging in there and know that most of us believe in you and your staff!

:heart: :glowforge:


I did a double-take when I saw this in the email. The possibilities with this are fantastic. I’m also pretty excited about the updates to the bed size etc. I’m going to find it difficult not to spend today fleshing out ideas incorporating this fabulousness. :grin:

The delay is starting to frustrate me, I won’t lie, but in context I also have a house renovation/rebuild that should have been completed last March-ish that still isn’t even at lockup stage (and the extra rent we’re paying due to that, in this city, could buy a Basic at today’s pricing every five weeks). The builder is, however, fixed on delivering us an amazingly beautiful and high-quality home, much like Dan and the GF team are with their product :slight_smile: The GF is still tracking my renovation for delivery date, which I’m choosing to find amusing, even though I would have loved it to arrive during my kids’ summer holiday next month.


I’m getting so excited by these ideas that keep popping into my head. The latest: combining this engraving and the photo etching we saw in the email to customize my board-gaming meeples with 3D faces of the players. I can’t wait to surprise my gaming group with their own personalized tokens.


At $2500, I’d only be saving $1500 of my Pro/filter price which isn’t much of a payback given the possibly questionable quality of the Chinese imports and their software issues. Is Redsail considerably better than the K40-type lasers or, perhaps better yet, do any of the imports approximate the quality of Trotec, ULS, etc?

@dan can you verify the scale in that picture? (sorry, may have been answered in one of the other threads but I haven’t found it yet)

I cant answer that for you, as I dont have one. Theres a redsail clone group on facebook and a laser engraving group that might be able to answer that for you. Keep in mind the laser engraving group is heavily biased

Thanks, but it’s all I can do to keep here lately. Another active group is too much to handle. I’ll do a bit more research but it’s probably time to just hang in there with the GF and spend the intervening time more productively.

Heres some threads made by other chinese laser purchasers, you might find some gold within:

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Thanks - I’ll take a look at those. I was half following somebodies import laser Facebook group (started by a GF pre-order person) but it seemed to mostly be about problems that took weeks to resolve or were still unresolved.


Of course, this will all be moot when the swiveling laser head attachment appears! :grin:


Look at the latest video from tested. Look at the forum posts about the height compensation not being quite ready yet. Look at the scaling and the comments.

While the bulk functionality is there, its not refined. Yes, most of its workingt, but not quite there yet. This is also a feature that has been shown for a while now.

Please go take a look at the tested video and the posts on that thread.

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I’m confused, you say

But you watched the tested video, which was a demonstration.

So you want a demonstration of… the refinement?


No, the tracing is obviously not completely refined. The adjust for height is not yet in the software. It is a statement of fact on the adam savage video.

This is where “its done”, and “done done” come into play. Yes, tracing works, its been shown. Is it up to the promises of it? Not yet, but getting there.

What is the status of the other features? What about 3d engrave? Show that glowforge emblem (that has the nice picture in the update) being printed. Give us an idea of how much post processing was required to clean that up.

It all goes to confidence, and gives us an idea of things that are still left to be done.


I want to see that too. @dan said he would post the time-lapse, and you and I are not the only ones waiting on him to do so. He mentioned something about scrubbing it with a toothbrush after engraving to clean up resins from the wood and such.
Have you seen this engraving from Kern?

We know lasers can do it. I’m now pretty confident from the photo that the glowforge can do it too… and I want to see the video… cause I guess it is true that they could be lying and just did it on a Kern.
I doubt it, but I’ve been wrong before.


I really don’t doubt it, considering that @dan’s engrave is low-mid resolution, there is plenty of room for improvement.

I saw the kern engrave when it got posted on the forums. It is a beautiful specimen.

I would love to see the glowforge doing it. We know what others can do. What will the GF be able to do? Since the Power supply was one of the main factors identified for the second delay, I don’t know where that is.

Look at the revelation that the depth calculations are not done yet. I bet everyone (like me) thought that was a sure deal given dozens of demos of trace capability.

At this point its Trust after verify.

I’m not a programmer, but I would think that depth compensation for the current trace-feature build is only one aspect of “depth calculations”. If all depth calculations were unfinished, nothing would ever be in focus, right?


I dont necessarily think that is the case. I think what weve been seeing in these engraves was the fact that the depth sensor was disabled. Without a depth the unit can only guess. That is why the scale of the engraves were slightly off. In a machine with a functioning depth sensor it shouldnt be an issue.

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