What are the most unique materials you plan to use?

Antlers, bear claws.

So , I thought about communion wafers but would have to get a reading on that. Kind of feels sacriligeous. But then I realized I could make some awesome opłatek stamps/molds or just engrave the blank sheets. Have to have a GF before Christmas for this Polish custom.



Gasket materials are probably one of theore random things Iā€™m looking in to. Iā€™m attempting to get the MSDS for it first though.

Safety first!

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I was originally considering laser cutting neoprene, but havenā€™t tracked down an MSDS for it yet. But it gets confusing as new forms of neoprene have been released into the market lately. The type Iā€™m considering has a nylon mesh glued to both sides, so it looks like there is the nylon mesh, the adhesive, and the neoprene itself to consider. I was going to start looking into it this week. If anybody has info to share already that wouldā€™ve appreciated.

Youā€™re going to see a pretty cool entry from @shaug when he stops fussing with it and takes pictures later tonight.


Iā€™ve been thinking about this a bit and honestly the oddest thing Iā€™ll probably put in it for a while is Worbla pieces for body armor costume parts.

Gingerbreadā€¦ Surely the best way to make a gingerbread house.


Just tracked your paua piece down- looks amazing!! Canā€™t wait to try it out.

Why didnā€™t I think of this!?!

Not sacreligious until they have been blessed; until then they are just bread :wink:

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Can it engrave in a bar of soap?

Iā€™m planning to do inlaid and onlaid leather for book covers, plus make attempts at wood marquetry. Glowforge seems ideal for both. Not unique materials, but interesting uses.

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Most of what I plan to do with it is automotive related. Anodized Aluminum, Stainless Steel (with Cermark), Different kinds of wood (for interior inlays), Leather (cut and engrave for automotive interior applications), Painted Carbon Fiber (to reveal pattern below)ā€¦ Things like thatā€¦

Ive been collecting scraps of exotic woods and I am going to make a set of something out of my exotic woods. I also have tons of access to Formica and other laminates so i think i will make stuff out of that as well (business cards 1st)

Iā€™m curious to see how recycled CDs look. I love the colors they give off.

If you are cutting formica make sure your ventilation setup is in order since it releases formaldehyde when it burns.
Probably not enough to do you any real harm, but definitely irritating!

Iā€™ve been wanting to test out engraving tiles that will be sublimated on (either before or after) and stone coasters that will have images stamped on them with paint. I have a collection of antique crocheted doilies, and I was imagining cutting oneā€™s outline out of a stretched piece of canvas, so after the canvas was painted, the doily could be stitched into that blank space.

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@Livi, have you seen this discussion on CDs? Can the Glowforge cut a CD?

@johnwills Oh cool! Thank you!