Why do

I don’t know how eflyguy can’t be married. He needs someone to sew those buttons back on that pop off when he talks about his daughter. And proud he should be of such an accomplished young woman.


Too lazy to read through the whole thread. There is a reason the alarms tend to chirp in the early hours… temperature. Battery voltage is produced by a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions are accelerated by heat, and conversely slowed down by cold. Your house cools off at night. The chemical reaction in the battery is slowed, the voltage drops (for basically the same reason you can’t drive a Tesla as far in the cold as the hot).

If the battery is just marginally supplying enough voltage to be above the low-voltage threshold during the day, it could drop below that threshold when things cool off at night and then BEEP BEEP BEEP.


hehe… I sew. I have a very nice sewing machine as well.


LOL no kidding.

I have a high frequency hearing loss. so figuring out where the chirp is coming from is tough.


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