

I’m Ashley, callsign “DYJA” (pronounced Dee-Jay; it’s the abbreviation for “Did You Just Assume” [my gender?]). I’m a Naval Officer, hobbyist maker, and all around geek. I recently recieved the best father’s day gift I could imagine: a Glowforge Pro! My “makerspace” (read: craft room) also includes a few Cricut cutters and a Robo 3D printer, and various Raspberry Pi and Arduino tools and components.

Together with my crafty wife Sierra and our son, we are in the process of starting up pt independent board game studio, KOIBITO games. The Glowforge wil really step up our capabilities for prototyping and in-house production, and we’re are very excited to learn from the community!

Upcoming and ongoing projects include our first board game, “AdVenture: Merchants of the Distant Lands”; an electronic interactive BMO from Adventure Time; and various swag and merchandise for my Squadron’s Ready Room.