It’s already been said, but I’ll repeat: The swirls are nice. There’s something very satisfying about a continuous, crisp pattern.
Those are fantastic! I love the overlap on the corner. The jig is nice too. I really like the idea of being able to toss a reusable jig down on the glowforge and have it align everything back again (even if some folks cough @evansd2 cough malign the accuracy)
Looks awesome! May I ask what settings you used?
If you have some 4" tiles, and use them to find the 4" parallel offset of the front and one side you can find that corner any time you want.
1ooo/Full/340 LPI
Did you use uncertified material and autofocus?
I think I set it originally to proofgrade cherry, but manually changed all the settings. It wouldn’t autofocus, so that was also set manually to .5”.
I love the idea of personalized dice! So many uses for this.
I’m thinking the grandchildren would love these to see who goes first or something to that nature.
How would you do test scores and the alignment to make sure everything is properly lined up without snapmarks?
Use a jig.
I would put tape on one of the faces, and then score a horizontal and vertical line as a cross to see where it matched up on the dice. I would set the score power level to very very low so that you could see it on the tape but not have it go through to the dice. Then you can move it around in the UI using small motions until you get it where it needs to be. Or use a jig.
This is so cool! I made a jig for the 0.75" dice I got off amazon (link above).
I put my kids names on it and showed it to my wife. She looked at it, gave it roll, and said, “Who is going to clean the toilets?” I laughed, since it only had the kids names on it and not ours.
I need to find more dice to make. This is going to be a lot of fun. Thanks so much for the inspiration!! (I probably needed a break from the clock anyway…)