5 Long Hard Years with the Glowforge : My biggest Frustration

OMG since when ?

Was this recent. ?

Was I under a Rock ?

Have I been punished for not watching the Tweeter box.


Mine does not hold the Number it Reverts back to 1

what a trick , I have tried this 1oo times , but I just got it to work, Lord Jesus for give me for my glowforge sins.

Seem I never hit the Enter Button after making the change , Kill me now. I dont belong in this glowforge world.

THANK YOU > For hearing my Cries an releasing the Chains that have kept me all these years.

It is amazing what processes you can learn just by trying them instead of complaining that they do not exist.


Duh…I know this. What’s the matter with me to say something like that. :confounded: :flushed:


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