This morning I realized that I needed some paint corners, Not wanting to wait a couple of hours for 3D printed stands, I used my glowforge and some scrap 3mm (1/8") plywood. Entire project from need to design (5 min in AI) to a dozen stands took less than 30 minutes.
Remember – 3 points are inherently stable, 4 are almost guaranteed to wobble.
Here’s the file in case anyone else might find it useful. Press fit a short piece into a tall one on a flat surface until the bottoms are even
(the slots are sized to leave a gap for tolerances/fit).
Edited: Slots are 3.0 mm, scale up or down to fit your material.
Always found the square head roofing nails prop things nicely.
However, good use for a lot of the scrap laying around and less of a concern about keeping track of how many loose square head roofing nails are in the room.
They would make a good ninja like escape plan. Toss a dozen or so behind you and a lot of them will be pointing up when done bouncing.
I just bought some a few weeks ago. It didn’t occur to me to make some on the Glowforge, but this is a great design, and next time I’m likely to use this rather than go buy more plastic pyramid ones.