Administrative Import processes in Europe (France)

:wave: Hello, I’m up in the North East, north of Metz near the border with Luxembourg and Belgium.

True, at least it helps to get an idea beforehand, nothing like the shock of suddenly finding out when your GF is on the way.

Ouch, I hope they don’t find the retail price of the GF online, seeing as it’s pretty much doubled since we pre-ordered… :crossed_fingers:

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Hello! I’m from France, I’ve got a UPS delivery today, but I don’t think it’s the big package with the glowforge, it’s says 14lbs on the ups tracker. I payed for it the taxes yesterday, it was 65€. Does anyone actually received is glowforge in France and knows the taxes amount?! Is it normal to received one box and not the two other?

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I believe we will get a total of three boxes. That price you paid sounds like the proofgrade materials. Exciting! Where in France are you?


In the US it is normal to receive the box of proofgrade materials separate (and usually first) from the two-box glowforge delivery. They ship from different states.


thanks! it’s very helpful :wink:

yes it was the proofgrade materials, so happy to have it! I’m looking froward the glowforge now, nothing from ups at the moment but i’m a bit worry about the taxes for the two other packages! Have you receieved it already? I’m in Limoges area and you?

I get my magic email tomorrow! Woot! :tada: Yeah I’m pretty scared about import taxes too, but it’s still a better deal than I’ll ever find elsewhere. I’m in the south in Pertuis, just north of Aix-en-Provence. You’re closer to me than others who have gotten the GF in France!

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cool! congratulations! have to say that this email (was last week) make me do a happiness dance!!! are we a lot of glowforge owner in france? never looked for it! :slight_smile:
sure that is a great opportunity!

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Please post back here when you find out how much VAT is, and if you had any difficulties picking it up? :grimacing:

I receieved the first package last week, was the proofgrade. (65€ vat for this box) A second delivery will happen in two day. Finger crossed!
I will let you know :slight_smile:

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Eek! So close so close!

:edit: Just checked, and my proofgrade arrives tomorrow! :grin:


Hello Hello!!!
So this morning, a lovely UPS delevery man bring me the One and Only Marvelous Glowforge!

For France I had to paid :
65€ vat for the proofgrade box
491€vat for the two other box!

So that’s a lot! but I 'm happy to finally get it :blush:
Have to work know!!!


I wish I could heart this more than once! My proof grade arrived today too, woo!

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That matches what I paid too, got mine yesterday… Youpi ! :wink:

The same for me approximately

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I feel so depressed now.
I know this whole community seems to be on happy gas 24/7 all bubbly and excited.
But ever since I signed up for this, It has been 100% uphill…

First was the INITIAL PRICE compared to any flimsy but working laser cutter on the market it was more than 10x the price… really you can buy a laser cutter with similar specs (not ease of use) for about €300 on amazon/aliexpress/ebay

Then there was the extra INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING, but I sucked it up, made an investment.

Then there was… There was… there waaaaassss THE WAIT!!!
Oh my God! the wait was excruciating!

Now… The final blow to the balls… IMPORT TAX
No, I take my words back, not just a blow… it’s more of a giant bulldozer at lightning speed smash to the testicles!

… really my expectations is that when I get the GF, their server will go offline and without a possibility to download the software, it will make an Immense paperweight!

… everyone is happy clappy cheerful and excited it seems, because somehow people buying this product seem to have an extra €500 lying around.
What if I don’t? what if I already spent all my money, invested it, waited and bit my nails for a flipping whole year just to hear that I can’t actually afford it in the end, after I already paid for it…

Just kill me!

  • Glowforge Basic $4,000 (€3,350)
  • -40% Discount: $2,395 (€2,005)
  • Shipping Fees: $478 (€400)
  • Import Tax: 20% + 4% (€570)
  • Order Total: (€2,975)

I got my Glowforge today (3 Years Later) and paid €593.27 in cash to the courier.
p.s. the unit is Dead On Arrival. Love Everything about this “investment”

I don’t know how you can make it a reflection on GF that there is unanticipated Import Tax. That’s something between you and your elected representatives.

But in the end if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. Regardless of how long you waited, if you can’t afford it, it’s not going to suddenly be affordable. And if that’s the case, then it would seem your only option is to request your refund and get one of those “similar spec” machines from Ebay or Alibaba.

There’s a great Google group for K40 owners and a really active community of modders that will get you better software, improved electronics, etc. over the basic $300 unit.

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I don’t think I was making a reflection on GlowForge in specific, I am simply stating that one thing after another… things have been piling up.

The import tax is just one of those things which one does not think about when he is presented with the “Final Bill” and of course GF doesn’t need to state *attention all international buyers you’ll pay $100’s in import tax, but it would definitely be a welcome addition to the site, in order to wake up the dreamy consumer when making his purchase.

Refund. yes of course, but did you know that time equals money… quite literally: when you go to a bank and ask for a loan, they are selling you time, you repay the money you borrowed, but on top you pay money for the time you used the banks money. So yeah a simple refund would be logical, but as an investor into GLOWFORGE I’d be walking away empty handed and giving them a loan at 0% interest, not even counting inflation. getting a refund at this point is losing money!

When you said:

There’s a great Google group for K40 owners and a really active community of modders that will get you better software, improved electronics, etc. over the basic $300 unit.

what did you mean, modding GF or modding other equipment? either way can you share a link?

Modding the K40 style lasers. (Although @scott.wiederhold is doing cool stuff modding his GF.)

The K40 is a 40W (nominal) CO2 laser that’s built in China by many manufacturers. They’re pretty basic machines, generally no safety features, pretty lousy software but has been the gateway-drug for lots of laserfolk :slight_smile:

They run about $350 USD here in the U.S. But there’s a Google Group started by a French woman years ago, that has thousands of members across the world and almost everyone mods their machines. Simple things like bed replacements to expand the size &/or depth, waterflow sensors, etc. all the way to complete electronics swaps using custom or Open Source CNC controller boards and running a variety of purpose built Open Source software as well.

Here’s a link.