Awesome, thanks. PDF is just habit for the print work I do. Much appreciated.
I have also been using PDFs a lot. If I was concerned about filesize/disc space, I might be more inclined to stick with SVGs.
PDFs are actually probably preferable for final cut export because they don’t seem to have issues with dimensions changing. I prefer SVGs because you can edit them, and don’t want to keep multiple file versions around in different formats. See here for how to resolve dimensioning issues with Designer and GF.
I edit PDFs all the time, but I totally agree with you about wanting to have fewer version copies.
PDF files work for my plotter, my printer and the glowforge.
on the bitmap front, my printer doesn’t like PNG so much or SVG at all, but does beautiful things with TIF files, while Glowforge doesn’t like TIF but is fine with PNG.
Once I set the default document size to 20" x 12" in both Illustrator and Affinity Designer, I stopped experiencing dimensioning errors. YMMV, of course.
My personal preference is to save all vector/combo files as SVGs, bitmaps as PNGs, and fall back to PDFs when an SVG “just won’t work” for whatever reason…
Some of my vector cut file pdfs are only like 8k. But yeah, nobody wants/needs a million files to search through.