Alphabet blocks

Hi nkchcat! Welcome to GF wormhole lol

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These boxes are just adorable!!

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How do you use the box program and get it into Glowforge? Or get it into Coreldraw?

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Wow! This was certainly a labor of love. Well done!

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Thank you!

When using, once you click to generate the file, it should automatically open the file in a new browser tab. You can right-click on the file and choose “save as” to save it as an .svg file on your machine. If you do not want to add anything to the file, you can import directly to the GF dashboard by choosing “upload from file.” But if you want to add design elements, you can open the svg file from within the design program you use and make edits or add designs. (I use Inkscape, but Coreldraw and other programs work, too.) Sorry for not responding sooner. Hadn’t been in here in a few days.

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Thanks, @JimmyWayneWestie!

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Good tip

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