Anniversary Wine Box

I don’t think we have that yet. Though kerf does vary from material to material so perhaps that explains what appeared to be double kerf compensation.

Your result is very nice!


Wow, that looks really cool! I love the 3 slots!


I was going to say that PG doesn’t have auto-kerfing, but I see was beat to it. Either way, you did an astounding job for not having calipers-- which made all the difference for me for dialing in kerf adjustments.

Also thanks for the lead to check out Lowes for pine project board. I’d like to compare it to some Baltic birch B/BB sheets I bought.


This is a stunning box! Beautiful work!

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Really nice! Regarding kerf, is there a definitive write up on how to design with kerf compensation?

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Thanks for the kind words. I thought I read on one of the threads about proofgrade kerf, but it appears I was mistaken, that or I was frustrated looking for an excuse on why my pieces were not fitting together. I am still very green when it comes to kerf, but what did Dan mean when he said, “I’ve mentioned this before - for Proofgrade materials, we’ll automatically compensate for kerf.” ?

@jonnyvermont - if you search on the forums for kerf, you can start to piece together some good write-ups on kerf, but I have not yet found a definitive write-up.

Absolutely beautiful

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I believe he meant they are definitely working on it. Not clear yet what form this will take.

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Excellent design and execution! I would think that after working out the bugs, this might do well in the store.

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Well, from my point of view it was worth all that work! :laughing:

Really, a fine piece to be proud of.

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Really beautiful design and work Travis. I was eyeing some of the Lowes 3/8 boards so it’s nice to know they cut well.

If a few of your kerf adjustments were just a little off, it could just be variance in the in material itself. Even the same sheet can have slightly different thicknesses and it can be enough to interfere with a tight tolerances.

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Did you design it directly or use a box creating website?


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Beautiful work.
The Laser always cuts with a kerf. People are just confusing the term with kerf compensation. They mean two different things.


So giving credit where credit is due, I came across this useful article on about laser-cut box generators.

Here I downloaded a Inkscape tabbed box maker plugin that was originally developed by Elliot White and heavily modified by Paul Hutchison.
NOTE: I am not vouching for the plugin but just explaining what I used. Download at your own risk!

Also, the wine box itself was not an original design but was inspired by Artificer Woodworks anniversary wine box collections and others. But then again, is anything ever original or just a modification or combination of two or more existing things.

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Those boxes are beautiful. Great job.

We need to start a power/speed topic where we can post for different materials.

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I agree and was thinking that as well. Maybe a topic for another conversation. I thought about just saving the sticker on the proofgrade materials so I can toss it in the machine when I’m using scrap or like materials. But why save it when you can recreate a durable wood engraving of the proofgrade 2d barcode!!! … That will have to be a future project.

Then I thought it would be neat to create an open forum where people could create 2d barcodes that the glowforge software would recognize.

Based on the user input, the custom 2d barcode would automatically remember your “user preferences” for your specific material, instead of having a little black book lying around.

Maybe an easier function would be for the glowforge software to have a function to “remember” user defined input for select materials. Then allow that info to be shared with other members with the caveat of it being a community defined setting and not a glowforge approved setting.

Great ideas Travis

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I absolutely LOVE this!!! Adding to my very long to do list!! Thanks for sharing! I only have about 3 months left to wait for mine! x

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looks great. are you willing to share your template? I am looking for a single wine box template. I bought a wine box online, but would like to make them at home.