Another replica electrical antique

How durable is the cermark? I really like the look a lot? Maybe make some badges/ tags if it will last.

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I have found it to be very durable, absent some kind of solvent. I tried to reuse some brass that I had marked with it & literally had to sand it off. And it didn’t come off easy. I haven’t tried a solvent like acetone though. Would be a pretty easy thing to test.


Great! Thanks for letting me know.

I did on stainless steel. No effect. I had made something and noticed I had gotten something wrong and needed to re-do it. So I was going to clean off the Cermark and reuse the steel sheet. The only thing that came close was a flap disk in a grinder and that left shadows of the engraving. Whatever the stuff is, it gets into the pores of the steel.


We routinely strip the markings off surgical instruments at my job…repeated enzyme baths, scrubbing, ultrasonic baths, high pressure superheated steam sterilization processing… and several years of use.

I can’t say that it is the same product, but I imagine it’s similar enough that…it’s durable.


Would you mind showing a close up of the brass plate? I’m curious if it looks as incredible as I think it does.


Here is the plate right after removal from the Glowforge:

And here it is after the liver of sulfur treatment for about 10mins:


That is incredible. Thanks for sharing the close up for me.


Nice. I have some 1/4" oak plywood that is a PITA to cut, but I think I will go with your design. I have a gel cell battery that is just sitting on my electronics bench, waiting for a home. I think I have brass terminals around somewhere.


Nice! Is it going to be on display at the museum, or remain a personal object?

It is for an demonstration that will be given at the Museum, recreating Oersted’s discovery of electromagnetism. I think I posted a pic of the rest of the set up earlier, but here is a pic of the whole thing (this was before I made the battery).


I used to be a jeweler. Liver of sulfur (LoS) was one of my go-to treatments for metal.

In the before-LoS photo, my eyes tell me the surface treatment is flush with the metal; the whole thing is flat.

In the after-LoS, my eyes tell me the engraved area is well and truly engraved; the artwork is now a bas relief (as though you had used a copper solvent that only attacks treated areas).

That is a cool effect! Looks like it was etched in ferric chloride. Have you tried it, mixed with Cermark engrave effect? Do you think it would resist the FeCl3?


Ive tried it, and the FeCl3 just dissolved the cermark. It didn’t work as a resist. In this case there is no actual engraving, maybe a illusion from the photo.


Curious minds wonder what you have inside the box? I love the plate BTW, I’ve used Cermark myself and it is a great product, never thought about using it the way you did though.

Thanks. It’s a 12v sealed lead acid battery (rechargeable!).

That’s beautiful. I was immediately reminded of one of the best things ever made for TV, now on YouTube. The whole thing is worth binge-watching, of course, but I found this moment:


Thanks so much for sharing that Chris! I haven’t seen that particular one. I have given essentially the same lecture many times at the Museum. It’s especially fun with physics or electrical engineering students because we can get into the math. The way it all interrelates is beautiful. That said, 4th graders appreciate it just as much, That compass swinging around never fails to elicit a squeal.


Learning arithmatic and algebra was so unpleasant in my youth (thanks Dad; not!) that I avoided calculus until my late 40’s. It was hard; my brain wasn’t used to this. However, once it sank in, I saw the world with new eyes. I was in awe of everything I saw…math was everywhere!

Music, math, art and science rock my world; even if I don’t “get it” I understand enough to enjoy it all.


Math is the mother of science. All science.


Yes indeed,

that is why 2+2 = 4. regardless of how you FEEL about that situation.