Another replica electrical antique

Until they don’t… :wink:


Great design and outstanding distressing and aging - masterfully done.

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I think math is taught backward. The way I learned from 1st through high school was basic arithmetic, algebra, Trig, pre-calc, & calc. This is like teaching someone how to use tools without showing what you can make with them. Or perhaps asking someone to assemble a jigsaw puzzle without seeing the picture first. It wasn’t until I was in calculus that I finally understood what the heck those inequalities were for that I learned about way back in 7th grade. Maybe better to start with the question & learn everything you need to know in order to answer it.

When I was a little kid we had a huge oldgrowth fir tree in our yard. I asked my dad how tall it was, & he showed me how to figure it out. I was still in grade school, but he showed me how trig worked & how to do simple alegbra to solve for the unknown. I was so curious about it after that that I read the entire chapter on math in his old ICS radio repair correspondence course.

I know this is probably impractical to pull off with a room full of kids, all interested in different things, but there has to be some middle ground somewhere.

That tree is still there, by the way, and it’s 170’ tall.


That is beautiful. I think it’s truly a work of art, you should really be proud of the results.
I have restored antiques for 40 years and I would be ecstatic with that piece.

Side note: Looking at the screws reminded me of a time I needed 4 copper screws to finish a project (long before Google and Amazon). I actually bought a brush plating system just because it would plate in copper. Cost me nearly $8500 for the stupid thing. Fortunately, it also did 24k gold plating and I made my money back in a few months restoring old jewelry, watches and gold plating bathroom fixtures and car emblems.


Or alternate facts…

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This is super cool!

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Hometown Bellinghamster here! Love the SPARK Museum!


Thank you! Do you still live in Bellingham?

No, I’m in Portland, OR now and looking to move to the SW, but I love the 'Ham and my family lives there. I have said my whole life that I don’t think I get a choice about dying there, it’s that kinda quicksand-esque hometown. Pulls you back in eventually. :rofl:


Hah, Spark Museum! I lived in Bellingham for 5 years (2008-2013). Miss that place. Great music scene up there.

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