Any suggestions on what glue to use? Something that’s quick drying, not too messy, and available to buy? I’m currently making several prototypes of my designs, but no matter how I adjust the kerf, some parts just don’t snap together 100%. I tried wood glue, crazy glue, gorilla glue, etc. They all leave a bit of a mess.
Any thoughts?
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For a no-glue solution try this:
I love design but I don’t much care for assembly. Why should you have to deal with glue when your Glowforge can make the fasteners for you?
I did some experimenting with serrated edges on tabs, and the results have been terrific. Proofgrade plywood is very consistent in thickness, so when using it, you can reliably depend on a design with serrated tabs to go together with a few taps from a rubber mallet.
I’ve printed a single serrated design from Proofgrade maple, cherry, walnut, and I think…
For a must glue I use Titebond Translucent Wood Glue:
Hot glue has worked for me. dries quick. can be scraped off. can make kind of a mess, I guess.
I have found several that work, but no one size that fits all.
Even the super glues are not a one step solution.
Here is a chart that may help. I got it on the wall behind the machine.
PVA works for me, so far. probably not on acrylic but I’ve yet to cut any of that…
Great chart. I blew it up and got it printed & mounted for the wall at our Makerspace. Really helpful reference.