I was checking out Google pics for a place recommended on O’ahu in another thread, and they had slabs of monkey pod that looks very similar. Obviously not practical to buy from there.
Koa looks too different and costs too much.
Can you order monkeypod slabs where you live? I can pick up some from waimanalo lumber.
I can find the slabs, but they are too thick to make cabinet walls/doors. I guess I should ask my brother in law if he has a planer, maybe the best option is to get a 2 inch slab and try to get it planed into thinner pieces?
Might be easier to find veneers…. I looked around and found several sources for monkeypod veneer. Not super cheap but definitely attainable.
Good idea, I’ll look into that. Thanks!
Monkey pod is also called “Rain Tree” or “Brazilian Raintree”. Have you tried searching under those names?
Really? No, I didn’t know that, thanks for the tip!
i love this community and how someone can post some random item and learn so much!
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