Apeture Science - Hazardous Fumes

Hey all. This is the first design I made. Here is the original image.

And this is the final result:

For some reason new users can’t have more than 2 links, can’t have more than one image, can’t upload files; The links to the files will be in the comments below

A couple things I fixed since printing:

  • The X on the eyes doesn’t get engraved twice
  • The outside triangles of the Apeture logo won’t get etched and will remain white like the atom in the middle.
  • The font for the Apeture Science Innovations is a bit larger. This allows for much better readability.


  • The two parts of the X eye should be engraved
  • All the green should be scored
  • The background should be engraved
  • The border should be cut.

This should fit perfectly on the 12"x6" wood boards. Send pictures of how they turn out!


Below is the PDF (with embedded fonts) and the SVG with the fonts separate.

SVG with fonts - Please note that all fonts included are free to the public.

PDF with embedded fonts

Edit: My username got messed up.


Thanks for sharing it with everyone!! :slightly_smiling_face:

You should be able to load as many links into your posts as you like, and the images are just drag and drop. If you want to upload a shared SVG file, just zip it first - different sections of the forum don’t allow unmodified SVG format, but they all allow zipped files.


Wait, is this a future me trying to warn me?? I can’t listen to this.