November 14, 2018, 5:26pm
I explained that all in a previous reply:
OK also, your cross is a pair of lines. If you’re trying to cut it out to be a rounded shape, you’ll need to convert the strokes to shapes. What software are you using?
If inkscape, select your cross lines and go to Path->stroke to path. This will give you two cuttable shapes. I would then select both of them and do Path->union. This would combine them together into one cross shape.
If you haven’t gone through some of @jules ’s roundups of “getting started” links, here’s one. It’s full of relevant info:
The Glowforge team recommends working through your first prints by following along with the examples shown here to learn where everything is:
They have also recently added instructions with video on using the Manual settings here:
Working with Manual Settings
And there are methods for Enhancing your Photo Engraves and Cutting Out a Shape as well.
(You can click on the topic headers in the left-hand column for even more information.)
That particular page is also handy if you have any p…
I know it’s hard to not want to jump in with both feet, but learning the fundamentals will really save you so much time down the road. It’s a really good investment.