As usual, this looks great
I am alway impressed by your creativity and skills. It is really nice work.
There is so much to like. I’m going to steal the veneer idea. Stacking wood it a good way to make stuff but I don’t like the grain inconsistency the veneer makes it intentional. I also love the magnets set to force the cover fit correctly.
I like this a LOT! What a beautiful job you did on it.
Simple, elegant, gorgeous.
Oh yes! The Yellowheart is singing!!! Beautiful job!!
Love this! If the file is ever available, I’m interested
It’s a wonderful box, indeed! Very pretty, imminently useful.
A really nice design! I prefer bamboo skewers to brass rods and there are 3x3 mm round neo-magnets that fit nicely at the top of the holes
Agree that the veneer gives reason to the layers that I generally don’t like unless different species are used. The yellowheart apple will make it easy to find with a uv light
It’s just a bunch of rectangles stacked on top of each other. Some of them have rectangular slots cut in them to make the space for the pencil. How many of them depends on the thickness of your wood. I used two solid rectangles of 1/8" walnut for each half of the box, with 3 layers (for each half) that have slots. The topmost layer has openings in it to fit the magnets. In between are corresponding layers of veneer, except you don’t cut the magnet holes in the top one, because it covers up the magnets.
I like it. And that is an excellent idea to change the -olarities. I’ll keep it in mind for the future
You know, I see something I really like and then I scroll back up and yup, there is your picture.
This is lovely!
This is beautiful! As if I expected any less once I saw who posted it.
The last 2 days, I have been looking at all things Apple pencil holder. lol However, I ruled out boxes because I need it to attach to my iPad case. (Good thing, because mine would not look this nice LOL)
Sadly, my poor Apple pencil has gotten misplaced so often and mistreated, I had to break down and buy something from Amazon :roll_eyes: :rofl:
that I could have made myself. I can’t wait until my GF is functional again since the part is out of stock. Boo… Although this will give me the opportunity to study how they made it and come up with my own twist and make my own in the future, so all is not lost.
Wow! What a nice gift presentation that would make.
It strikes me that the technique is the perfect one for non-rectilinear boxes,
As @evansd2 has repeatedly demonstrated! I’m trying to work up the courage to try one.
So cool where is his original Box post? I cannot find it?
Simply beautiful!!
He’s posted tons of them!
Wow!!! I looked up his name wrong, anyway where is a good source to get hardwood like that reasonable?