Apple pencil case worthy of its contents

I made this fun apple pencil case out of PG maple ply, bamboo, draft board and acrylic. I used the various different materials to achieve a specific thickness; thick enough to accommodate the pencil, but thin enough to work with the micro-screws and nuts I had. I engraved the acrylic, and the underside of the lid to create a snug fit for a couple of small but strong magnets which snap the lid into place and hold it closed. It was a fun little project with a functional outcome.


Nice work.

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I LOVE it!! Smart.

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Pretty! :grinning:

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Oooooo, cool! Now I want one!

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This is soooo awesome!

This is truly… the best Apple Pencil case you have ever made.


Gives me an 80s sort of vibe. Maybe it’s the colors mixed with the logo, or the delorian style opening, but I like it!


Very cool!

Well done!

Where can I get the design from (Etsy…) ? Would love to make this for a friend


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Very cool design. Available for sale?

I would love to purchase one of these @garywoffinden


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I love this! How did you learn to do that? I want to make one so badly. It has been nothing but an epic failure! I have tried to mimic this exact one. and have failed over and over!! What am I doing wrong? I am no good at building boxes. it has to be that concept. I want!

would love to buy one if you are ever selling one. I’ve lost 2 of the first version and now I have the second version and must NOT lose it.

This post is 4 years ago. The OP may or may not be active on here anymore.

Not since April 1.