Attempted Delivery ...two days early - APP IT!

Nothing worse than UPS attempting delivery EARLY and you not being there to sign. Yes I signed up for UPS My Choice. Yes I paid to have a two hour window on Monday. Yes that was confirmed on my My Choice Calendar.
Yes they changed that to Saturday All Day THIS MORNING at 9:30 AM. Yes they emailed me AFTER I was gone from the house. Yes I suppose I am an idiot for not obsessively checking my email from my phone since I live in Cali and other folks have stories of early delivery (the last sentence provided by my loving wife)
MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE APP - if I had I would have recieved a warning text that they were changing the delivery !!

YES I would have really frickin loved to have my GF come “early” and had I known I would have been here.

LASTLY I was informed my UPS management that when they attempt a delivery outside of what you requested/paid for they automatically refund your money and you are free to rerequest that delivery window and repay for it, which I did.

Coin flip is commencing for who is calling in sick Monday me or the wife.

Le Sigh

… “The waiting is the Hardest part” - TP


Oh, Man! After all this wait.The Universe is taunting you.


Seems the gods of shipping are on holiday today.