Awards for car event we held

Cherry with draftboard inlays.


Nicely done - the lighter wood really stands out :slight_smile:

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Nice job on your inlays.

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Well done! :sunglasses:
I noticed a few small pieces of mask in the letters, easy to overlook. When you pull the mask, take a piece, and with your finger push the sticky side of the mask down on the text and drag it across. That will roll the small bits right off!


These look really nice-professional!

Very nice design! I would be really happy to win one of these!

Very nice awards. Are those platypuses?

Terrific looking awards! Nice work!

Oooh, never thought of using draftboard for inlays. It really pops, doesn’t it?!? :clap:

Wow! Well done.

I want to try inlays one day when I grow up.

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Yes, That is our logo and mascot.

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