This was a interesting situation I found myself in…
I was cleaning my build plate for my 3D printer and I grabbed the wrong bottle of cleaner. Instead of grabbing the IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol), I grabbed the Acetone (100%). The build plate was cleaned so well, it smudged the build plate identification marker (what the printer uses to identify which build plate is installed).
This caused an error/warning message every time I tried to print a new job that would pause the job and make sure that a build plate was actually installed.
I was able to resolve this issue by cutting out my own plate marker (using Eco-Iron On white) and adhering it to the build plate in the proper location. No more warning/error!
It wasn’t perfect, but it worked! I just wanted the message before printing to stop and this worked.
So here is the SVG if by any bizarre reason someone else has the same issue.
(If using the Eco-Iron On, remember to reverse the image prior to scoring.) Bambu Labs Textured PEI build plate (1.2 KB)
I didn’t know I could do that, just turn that feature off. It isn’t a problem now, and I am glad it checks to ensure I don’t do something stupid.
This is my first 3D printer and I am enjoying that I don’t have to tinker with it much. This was the first “tinkering” I felt I had to do and it was my own fault for using acetone on the build plate…
I have 10 printers in my current arsenal with 2 Bambus in the mix, just getting into lasers after wanting one for ever. Acetone on textured PEI is a definite No No. I typically use 99% IPA for routine wipe downs. When I go for a fresh start I’ll wash with Dawn and super hot water. I turned the plate locator off from the beginning because I used aftermarket unmarked beds. I typically only use two bed types with the textured PEI in use 99% of the time.
That is what I have been doing for cleaning also (IPA with the occasional hot soapy water), but this one time I accidently grabbed the wrong bottle… I had to hit it with the hot water and Dawn dish soap after that. Other than smudged paint on the board, it is fine, and the printer doesn’t complain now that the marker has been replaced.