I’ve been really enjoying making signs for bedroom doors for some of the kids in my life. I hadn’t used much draftboard before, so I started simple and ramped it up with each one.
Starting simple: cut and score, then one color of paint by hand and a metallic sharpie. It’s the Canadian flag maple leaf, colored dark blue to evoke the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team. It was here I learned how annoying the fibers are in off-the-rack draftboard if trying to make a finished, painted product.
Next was also cut/score then paint. Painted the blue areas, then removed more masking and carefully did the orange. Some areas left unpainted because I did not even remotely want to deal with trying to paint them. Design adapted from this pack of rockets.
Finally, the one where I took my time and did it mostly right Larger area cut out, sanded with a sanding block, then spray painted pink with more sanding between layers. Texture is smooth to the touch, but visually still clearly fiberboard. After fully dried, I remasked, scored everything, and did the final outline cut and the flowers. Selective mask removal and gold paint. The flowers have glitter, with a tiny circle of masking in the center removed after the glitter. Finally, flowers were glued on and create a nice depth and dimensionality. Design adapted from this free for personal use unicorn and brought to you by the letter R.