Best file format to send to the GF?

If you look closer, there’s a lot of binary data in the PDF.
It’s fairly opaque and difficult to tell what it is actually representing.

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Also true with embedded bitmaps in CSVs. I don’t think we’re going to agree on this one.

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I don’t think we’re actually disagreeing :smiley:

We’re just splitting hairs about he details of these formats, and hopefully helping everyone understand them better.

Although more than likely we’re also just getting too deep on these things and confusing folks – so if anyone’s confused… just ignore everything we’re saying, except for the one thing everyone seems to be saying:

Both formats are fine :smiley:


Haha! Yeah, got a little technical there, but I actually learned quite a bit. So, thank you all for helping. It would have taken much longer to research all of this on my own.

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