Beta Project - Nintendo Switch Carrying Case

This guy uses magnetic snaps. On under each corner. They aren’t very strong but two is enough to keep is secure.


Thank you everyone for the great feedback! The case turned out better than I expected, and is currently holding up well in its trip to Florida. And that’s why I haven’t posted much these past two days.

To answer a couple of questions…

I used .8mm waxed thread and two needles and a pair of Myers for the stitching process. I looked up a saddle stitch for another project and this is just a variation on that. Nobody taught it to me or showed me how to do it. I have no special technique for knotting the thread. That may prove bad in the future.

One piece of advice… give yourself LOTS of extra thread. I think for two of the four sections I stitched. I underestimated the thread and had some tight stitches towards the end of the section.

I will probably use magnets, but I want to find some really thin ones. All I have at the moment are about 3mm thick.

Let me know if I missed anything… I’m sure I did. If it pertains to the design or construction of the case I’ll try to answer soon.


Hyaaaaah Hahp Huhp Uwaaah Hoooyaaaah!

(translation: Wow that’s some amazing work! Love the small details like your name in Hyruleian.) :smiley:


Very well done!! Nice work Chad! :smile:


That is seriously awesome work! I’m going to have to resist the urge to go around making leather cases for everything in the house…


That’ll get expensive! Leather ain’t cheap!

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Well, I got some tiny magnets and attached them… but they are too tiny. They didn’t stick at all, so I took them out. Thankfully the leather of the lid seems to be forming well and isn’t sticking up as much.

I also added chipboard front and back so that the wood frame doesn’t make impressions on the leather.