Beta projects 13 & 14

Shows what I know, I thought they were structural. That makes sense.[quote=“jamesdhatch, post:19, topic:2377”]
I’m not truly OCD, not enough to have to organize the letters of the acronym alphabetically (and cause CDO stands for collateralized debt obligation).

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They’re probably not but it would be neat if they were and not just because those happened to be the only two screws he had hanging around :smile:


Nope, they are just structural, and they are the only 1/2" long 6-32 fillister head screws I could find at the time. Of course now that I put the thing in the mail I found a whole box of them. :rolling_eyes:


Congrats to your wife! I feel her pain, having finished a similar masters a couple years ago (assuming it was design related, that is). Glad you all survived! :tada: :slight_smile:


Well you know, there’s always money in the Banana Stand…


This is cute, and a belated congratulations to your wife. As an ardent love of puns, however, I think your pseudo latin phrase should really be E Pluribus Bananum. (I guess technically you could say E Pluribus Musum, but that’s fake latin anyway so you might as make it sound funny).

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