Beware the Air Assist

It’s fine as long as you only give them one.

Yes I’m joking…stop looking at me like that!


it’s totally ok to feed them to squirrels, tho. damn squirrels.

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They were banned??? I have about 4 or 5 sets of them!

They were recently unbanned IIRC. Look it up.

It’s OK as long as:

  • it’s Sunday
  • in the spring
  • at a park
  • in the afternoon

It’s just a modern way of Poisoning Pigeons in th Park


What happens when:

It’s Saturday
In the park
Might be the 4th of July


I think it it was… :grinning::+1:

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All it takes is one…


Unbreakable Plastic-Coated N52 Neodymium Bar Magnets, 3 x 1/2 x 1/4 Inch. 2-Pack. Revitalizaire Strong Permanent NdFeB Rare Earth Magnets Coated with Hard Black Polypropylene

These are the ones I use. I only bought four of them because they are wicked expensive. However, they are extremely strong (N52) and are coated with a protective layer that prevents them from shattering under normal use.

You may want to put a gaffer tape tab on them because trying to lift them from the crumb tray can be difficult. You can lift the entire tray with just one magnet!

Lee Valley Tools has good information on using neodymium magnets, including separating them and improving the pull. Click on the “Instr” link near the bottom of this page:,42363,42348


@Jules you are a GENIUS! My scratch sticky board worked a dream cutting some Christmas tags!! I am going to embed some magnets in the bottom to stick it to the grid.


Excellent! (The 60$ I saved bought a lot of PG!) :smile: