Blast Gate for Exhaust Hose

I’m sure there must be a million of these on the forum already, but I don’t see any designed like mine.

Obviously, we need a blast gate for attaching the hose to so we can close it when not in use and keep humidity/critters out. I decided yesterday I wanted one. I have a full workshop with dust collection so I am pretty familiar with those… and I was going to go buy one but the wood store was closed (Sunday). So I said “Self… you have a glowforge, why not design one and build it?” So I did.

The idea here is that this would sit at the bottom of a piece of 1/4 in plywood that’s in my window. The short panel (Labeled: Back Panel) with the hole matches up with the plywood on top, then the bracket (Back Bracket) goes on the back and attaches to the Back Panel and the plywood and through the inside spacer to the front panel. The door slides between the front panel and the back panel. The pieces marked “Hose” are meant to be stacked on each other and glued to make a hose connection to the gate. The holes are pre-sized for #8 wood screws.

Anyway, just figured this might be useful to someone. I didn’t take any pics of assembly, sorry, and the one pic I have here is of mine, which is a slightly different design, since I improved it after I installed it.


I’ll probably replace it with an acrylic one when the rainy season rolls around. Or maybe I’ll just coat this one with shellac. Dunno. I also planed the edges of the door after cutting to give it just a hair more tolerance and to insure ease of sliding. You can probably do the same with a little brush of sandpaper or even just scraping with a knife.

Note: I labeled the parts in the svg. All the text is in green so it should part out by itself. You can chose to engrave it or ignore it.


Very clever! Good work

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Thanks… additional note: The knob I have on the top of the door I had sitting in my workshop for like a year. I made it a year ago for a turned box I was working on, but it didn’t work aesthetically, so I just left it. When I needed a knob here, I was like “Oh! I have one!”

Obviously a screw or something would work as well, just make sure it doesn’t go through.

When putting the screws in, I advice countersinking them to keep them flush.


Very nice! Thanks for sharing! :grinning:

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Very fancy shmancy! I was boring and just bought one LOL

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Nice! way better than my cardboard version! May just have to make use of your plans!!


Nice job! Thank you for sharing your work with the forum!

Just a note about the file sharing.
Discourse is not your friend here with displaying SVG files. It can do weird things to the visuals.

The way I get around it doing it’s thing, is use a picture (PNG show fine) and if adding the SVG I put it into a ZIP file.

Looks like a very workable design.


I dig it, thanks.

Hello everyone,
for those who are interested I offer you my file to create an air extractor.
Please keep it for private use :wink:




Thank you!

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