My latest project for a family member.
Thanks for looking!
That’s a pretty neat design! Thank you for showing your art!
This is so flipping awesome and lighting up just sends it over the edge! The basic design has so many possibilities too. If you ever decide to sell the file, please let me know. It looks like a lot of design went into it though and I wouldn’t blame you for holding onto this one just for yourself.
Wow, so cool! I’ve never seen anything like this before.
This is just a great idea brought to life.
This is so well thought out and executed. Your family member must be thrilled. Thanks for sharing.
Nice trick with the gears.
PM’d you
This is so very cool!
I really like it. Great job.
I liked it when I saw the first picture, but then when I saw the crank I loved it
So awesome!! Wow!