Breath of the Wild Resin "Stained Glass" Panels With RGB LED Light Box

Thank you! I was really happy with how good the video came out. I’m glad people are enjoying it.

If you know of anyone who needs a nebulizer the medicine comes in great throw away “eye dropper” that drys quickly and is great for work with Resin.


I’m glad my first impression was wrong as I was wondering what the Breadth of the wild raisin (1/4"?) was about.


I’m the first attempt I did of making these I tried using eyedroppers about that same size from a local science and surplus store. Found them just too difficult for the short time resin is workable


Outstanding project! Including the video :sunglasses:

The work time for catalytic compounds is frustrating. I did an inlay of mother of pearl chips in a snowflake using UV curing resin and loved the unlimited work time to fiddle with placement.

Thanks for sharing that great work!


Thank you! The limited time really is the big issue. You have to be quick and accurate…pretty hard when working with small spaces

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Enjoyed your video … fabulous turn out!