The cake just sits there, It would be the dog I would keep an eye on.(that dog however really takes the cake!)
And a belated happy cake day @hansepe and @shop .
I would love to be making stuff like this (fixed for structure and safety)
The cake just sits there, It would be the dog I would keep an eye on.(that dog however really takes the cake!)
And a belated happy cake day @hansepe and @shop .
I would love to be making stuff like this (fixed for structure and safety)
And Happy Cake Day @MakerMatthew !
Is it that day already! Lots of cake days have gone by and I am still Glowforging!
Happy cake day @MakerMatthew! Glad we get to celebrate it with you!
May you have many more!
Happy Cake Day @bill.m.davis !
Happy Cake Day @bill.m.davis ! I love your contributions to the forum.
Thanks! I didn’t even know it had been another year!
I feel like short timer here, but now my machine is four years old?!?! I love my Glowforge!
Happy Belated Cakeday!
Happy belated cake day @bill.m.davis! I had to take my main computer to Best Buy for repair (and they had to send it for service), and I forgot until today that I could check the forum on my iPad! So I’m just catching up on everything I’ve missed the last few days. I second @rappee25407’s comments about your contributions to the forum!
Happy belated cakeday @pubultrastar. You have been a huge influence here.
Happy Birthday @wesleyjames!
Thank you thank you.
Spending it in the car going through South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama so far. Gonna hit up New Orleans tonight and spend the day tomorrow.
I was on I-10 almost out of Louisana listening to NPR when there was breaking news about a plane hitting a tower in New York and was jumping from one NPR station to trying to find the next til getting back to Orlando after midnight. I didn’t stay long on a station once I figured out it was not the next NPR but some of those were almost the freakiest part of the day.
Happy Cake Day @Thumper369 !
hi @Thumper369 , Happy Cake Day to you
Happy belated cake day @Thumper369! We always enjoy cake!!
Happy Cake Day @Purplie !
Happy cake day from me too @Purplie!! Thank you for all your wonderful contributions to the forum. We’re happy to share your cake with you!