I’ve been following @Rita’s instructions from a post earlier this year as I did last time, but not feeling like I’m getting anywhere and very worried about breaking something.
" 1. Turn off your Glowforge
2. Try gently sliding the laser arm towards you a bit, perhaps moving one side, then the other. Whether or not that works, continue to the next step.
3. Placing one hand in front and one in back, gently lift up the laser arm on the right side, near where it shows that it’s off the track in your photo. Make sure your hands grip the metal bar, not the tube itself.
4. While lifting upwards, roll the the gantry towards you, then farther away a few times. Your goal is to straighten it out, so that it’s parallel to the front door. It will pop back onto the track where it belongs.
5. Once it’s on the track, place one hand on each side of the laser arm (left and right now, rather than front and back) and roll it to the center of your Glowforge. Then roll it back about three inches, forward to center and then 3 more inches towards you, and then do that a few more times.
6. Move the Printer Head to the approximate center of the laser arm.
7. Turn your Glowforge back on and continue printing."