My daughter saw laser printed shoes and wanted a pair with our dog on them.
With some trepidation, I bought a cheap but purportedly 100% cotton canvas pair from Amazon ($20 ish) and posterized a picture of our dog in Photoshop (plus some additional modifications to the JPG, mostly to create a high contrast black and white conversion of the original image). (Note: It could be a real problem if the shoes are not 100% cotton; I felt pretty good about this pair as they feel like cotton canvas.)
Speed = 1000
Precision Power = 40 (We tried 35, and it worked but the light areas of the design weren’t sufficiently etched for my DD.)
Auto Focus Height
Crumb Tray removed
Attached image shows shoes clipped with Wonderclips to make them roughly flat. Shoe on left is etched at power = 35; Shoe on right is etched at power = 40.