Cardstock error message

You need to hit PRINT and then watch the head move to over the material, and a red dot does appear briefly (mine is just right of where the laser beam itself is emitted) as it’s going thru the scanning & focusing steps before the button starts to flash to indicate OK to hit the button to start the printing…

Sometimes if you’re powering up the GF and have material on the honeycomb tray, it can cause the unit to stall in scanning or focusing, too. And also if you’ve used “set focus” and didn’t get the box completely on the material, that can confuse it, too.

Worth at least verifying/ruling out if an issue–since your material is so large, it’s unlikely related to the issue, but with working with small pieces or off-center on the bed, the red dot can hit the bed vs. on your material.

Oh, also make sure there’s no smudge or dirt on the bottom of the head, since the glass cover/lens for this red beam is beside the lens–and if that’s not clean, it could affect that “red dot”, and if it’s not working properly, may be another source of problems…

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Yes. The two windows either side of the lens opening, one has a red dot laser and a white LED for the flash, the other has the camera. The laser shines at an angle and its offset determines the material thickness.

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Wow—- this is an AWESOME explanation!!

Guess what?

Congratulations, you have been awarded Glowforge Hero Of The Day!!!