A while back I made a plaque for my veterinarian’s office. I’ve made new versions of leather, rather than foam core board. I expect these will be part of a purse, or backpack:
I found the leather in an upholstery sample book at a thrift store. The leather is supple so it will need some kind of cloth stabilizer. I just cut the same design from the two pieces, and put one into the other.
I’m going to give the black cat golden eyes, since they are really that color.
Much larger; about 6" wide. I was concerned with losing the fine details at weak spots where the design narrows. They will be more like applique rather than patches.
I like that! I can envision a book for cat/dog owners–front cover has the cat in the ‘up’ position, back cover has the dog in the ‘up’ position. (Or vice versa, of course.) Or a t-shirt. Lots of opportunities in there.