Certificate issue on glowforge.com

Yeah, I checked multiple validators as well. Obviously the issue is not universal. YMMV.

Wait… Aren’t you on glowforge.com posting this message? Now I’m confused…:confused:

Good News! Symantec has fixed it and it is starting to propagate across the internet.

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Unfortunately (in general), the forums are NOT SSL (https://).

I would like to see that changed since people are using the same username (and probably the same password) as your account on the secure https://glowforge.com website account.

Normally, most companies have any site that has a username and password will use https: I think it got overlooked on community.glowforge.com

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Agreed. I suspect it’s rather far down on their todo list atm though :smiley:

This is how I feel about Glowforge also:

Okay, a bit over the top :grimacing:


Thanks all! We got it sorted out. I would tell you what the problem was except I have no idea and I am out of the office today. :slight_smile:


Hope everything emailed to you was either helpful or not distracting.

I wonder how this would affect a working Glowforge itself.

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I wouldn’t think that data sent to the Glowforge would need to be encrypted, but obviously it would depend on how the Glowforge authenticates to the cloud.

!!!:smile: Come on guys…

Ok, in my defense I’m on my 3rd glass of scotch. I’ll read it again tomorrow when I’m a bit more sober. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Even if the traffic is encrypted it could be a self-signed certificate not relying on a certificate authority. I would actually assume the traffic to be encrypted as its best practice and requires little effort. Each glowforge would then be configurered with a list of CA’s. I guess that the Glowforge is simply the client/consumer of some web API.

Do anybody know what chip it’s running? Wonder if it’s some tiny Linux distribution or something more barebone.

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All data sent to and from the Glowforge is encrypted end to end via SSL.