I like making simple personalized wooden coasters for friends, but hadn’t focused any attention on where they should live when they are not actively being used. So I threw together a little box to keep them in. (and it all fits on one piece of wood.)
This is a quick enough gift idea, and I figured with the GFU now having embedded noun project art, it could be modified quickly by someone new to glowforge to make something personalized.
I thought about making a halloween set, but easy enough to add some bats and pumpkins.
Thanks for the design. I’m going to make coasters with smart ass sayings on them for our family Christmas eve chili party as a white elephant gift. This will be a good, quick starting point.
I am pretty new to GF design … if we want to make coasters that are larger (e.g. 4") can we increase all the pieces in scale, and will the box pieces they still fit?