Contactless Door Opener

That is correct.

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Yeah, thanks s much - will definitely use it and thinking of making some extra for others.

Being sheltered in place is already causing enough crazing around here. ((Rimshot))

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Nice share! Thank you!

I must be thick, i’m not seeing a .svg file. I can only seem to get .jpg?

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Right-click here

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I was attempting to teach fishing lessons. However, that works too. :laughing: :+1:

Two layers of revolution plywood with terrible first coat of paint…

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Holy cow! What a great idea! I am going to make these for my family and my neighbors. Thank you!

Edit: Hmm. And maybe spray with Rust-Oleum’s Specialty Metallic Copper spray paint. I believe it actually has some copper in it, which would perhaps be a little anti-viral.

Completely missed it! Thanks

For only $25, you can have one too…



$25 AND a two month wait (if he makes his deadline).

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Part of me wants to machine those out and sell them for 2 bucks.


ShrugPlasma cut out of 3/8 brass and tumble polished It would certainly pay for the equipment and materials, and then sold on TV for the “low price” of 19.99 it might be the new “pet rock”. But the sales window would not be a lot bigger.

Even if it wasn’t a flash in the pan, there’s no real hurdle for the Chinese factories from churning them out by the millions & undercutting the price by 50% before you even got to market.

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other than another wave of COVID19. or catching up on everything they haven’t made for the past 3 months.

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Always true, though might be a hair slower now.

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I invented something to allow people to walk around heads down texting with their smartphones without bumping into things (or people). A hybrid hardware & software but when I looked at the barriers to replicate I figured it wasn’t worth my time to develop it and create the market because they’d replicate it and be selling it for $9.99 before I got a decent return.

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i don’t doubt that. was only thinking that, if there was ever a time you might get a couple of months ahead of the curve with them, it’s now.