Cornhole rules

 Years ago my husband made a cornhole set for some friends. He has been busy with farm maintenance so never got around to making one for us. He is now getting ready to. Somewhere the other day, I came across something from State Farm Insurance that had the rules for Cornhole. So I decided to make us one using the GF. 
 The first one was on poplar, just so I could see how the fit would be for the board I wanted to use.

This one is on the board I wanted to use. It’s scrap wood from when we made the shiplap for our kitchen walls.

The holes by the scoring points will be drilled out and we’ll use colored golf tees or pegs to keep score. I didn’t think the GF would cut through that thick of wood, but I knew I could get the placement as a guide for my husband to drill them out.
And, of course, I could always make them into a full-width board so that the letters could be larger. But where we’re planning on setting our game up, the sign will be hung on a fence right next to it, so the small letters work for us. Plus, once you read them, it’s not like we have to refer to them throughout the game. More of just a reminder of how to play.
Considering it’s the first thing I’ve actually done on the Glowforge myself instead of using someone’s project, I’m pretty happy with it!


This is really cute. I love playing that game!


You can find out. #6:

With multiple passes you can get through a lot of materials…


With how many arguments people get in on what rules are going to be used this not only solves that but acts as a reminder for midgame forgetfulness! Great idea!


And our game is now complete! Played it last night. So much fun! I did realize that I should have made a “0” points as well, as you need somewhere to start out at. :thinking: My husband will have to drill holes in the top to put the tees before we score any points. I’ll get it fixed and then share the file on “free designs.”


If you’re ever planning future iterations of this project and idea that I’ve seen work before for scoring is clothespins. You’d just need to alter the design so the columns for A and B are on each edge with the rules down the middle. Then you just clip the pin to the side and move it with the score.


I’ve seen the type with the clothespins. But you have to make sure the board is thin enough, otherwise they won’t fit easily. Our board is 1/2" thick, and it would be hard not to have the clothespins fall apart (they aren’t made as well as they used to be). So for us, the golf tees work great. My husband drilled holes to fit them so that they slide almost up to the head of the tee, easy to grab and pull in and out, and they are placed in the middle of the engraved holes. I made the engraved holes 1/2" because I thought we were going to use dowels for markers. But they still make for an easy read as we hang the sign halfway between the boards on a nearby chain link fence. Plus I use my clothespins to hang my laundry on my clothesline! (Yes, I love hanging my laundry outside to dry - at least when it’s warm enough to do so! Wintertime - nah!)


do you have this file for sale?