That looks fantastic. Love intricate detail. Post again when you get the vellum and light!
Will do!
Very well done. Excellent project.
Turned out fantastic!
This is a beautiful piece even with out lighting.
That looks fabulous!
Oh yeah! That’s gorgeous! I even have some pergamenata that would stand in for the vellum…
Is the vellum actual vellum (as in really really really thin leather) or is it a parchment of some sort?
That is absolutely perfectly gorgeous!
It’s the paper stuff they call vellum.
Wow. That is truly beautiful!
Truly amazing!
Looks fantastic! An LED bulb doesn’t produce much heat, but it does produce heat. Can it properly vent? Wood and paper are both heat insulators, so you’ll get some build-up. I wonder if the top paper should be removed or modified to allow venting.
Yeah, I’m cogitating on that. The bulb is pretty tall in there too…
It’s barely warm to the touch after being on for an hour or so, but I haven’t tried leaving it on longer to see how warm it might get.
As long as you have smoke detectors…
And the volunteer fire department is a mere 30 minutes away, so I feel TOTALLY safe…
As long as the structure is over-insured…
I’ve always said the motto of our volunteer fire department is, “We’ve never lost a foundation.”
I mean they’re volunteers, fire is fast, they do what is practicable. I don’t blame them.
Do you have an IR thermometer?
Regardless, if you can touch the bulb surface after it’s been on for a couple of hours, I wouldn’t stress over it.
So far this year I have not stressed over anything. It’s a lovely feeling.