OK it seems no one is posting new files to share anymore on the “free files for everyone” so I decided to start the trend off…lol
*** Like I do then your a crime junkie as well and I love the podcast crime Junkies. My Wife got me started on them. I decided being long over due I made her some coasters. Set of 7 and used clear acrylic to seal them and cut black felt for the bottoms that were spray glue attached.
I copied the circle cut file and pasted( CONTROL+C then CONTROL+V) for all the cuts made except I switched to the paper cut for the felt instead of the wood cut. It was a bit more Gentle .
You dont have to use clear acrylic any poly will do the job. I just did these fancy for her. I will post the pics and file below. Just right click and save
I just realized the name tag one will not be included as i created it on Glowforge ill try to find the file and attach
Cool idea. I’ve been using thin cork on the backs of my coasters, never thought about cutting felt on the GF for them! If you’re using a paper setting, does it go all the way through the felt? I personally never watch any of the crime shows anymore. After working as a felony caseworker at a DA’s office for almost 10 years, I’ve had enough of crime to last a lifetime. But that is really sweet of you to make them for your wife!
yeah I can imagine you get enough daily…give them a listen sometime if you get time
(Crime Junkies Podcast) those two ladies make it very interesting…lol but back on topic the felt works great with a lil spay adhesive from the craft store or walmart
Well I haven’t worked there since 2008. But between that and a husband who retired from law enforcement, I’ve had enough. What was amazing is that our attorneys actually had to start asking jurors if they watched programs like CSI and thought everything was true in them. If the juror did, they were dismissed, because in many areas, especially rural like we were, that kind of technology really isn’t available or even sometimes real, cops and/or labs can’t get away with stuff they do on TV, and no case gets settled in an hour! My hubby was the one who figured out that it was becoming a problem with jurors when he spent 5 years as a bailiff after retiring from the Sheriff’s Dept. He let the attorneys know. It did make a difference.
yesss. the magic of Hollywood everything solved
in an hour. wow glad he was able to see that an help them eliminate that from the equation. Thank you, both for your service and dedication in keeping us safer from those that made bad choices and crossed the line.
Yes, but every now and then it is useful. I was a lieutenant at a training base. Command got a complaint that one of the permanent party was buggering young servicemen in his room . I was appointed the 15-6 investigating officer. Because of things they did (gumshoe stuff, nothing technological) I was able to pretty much prove that if nothing else, he was guilty of fraternization. A-hole only got a reprimand. But, then it got out to the other trainees and the floodgate opened (#hashtag me too before it was fashionable ( 1985). He finally ended up doing hard time at Ft. Leavenworth (the army one).