I loved the article! It would be interesting to know if the machine he was using had the lower power settings available that let you do engraving on paper, or was he using the same build as the PRU units.
Understood. Just thought you might be able to give us a first hand understanding of Davey board as it is used in book binding and what it is made of. Materials composition really is the key to knowing how it will work with a laser. I had to look it up just to see what the heck it was! I just am amazed at how much you can learn on this forum with so many experts in their fields.
I had a question from a user on cutting board earlier today.
I still don’t have any info on Davey board (Idon’t tend to use it).
This is what I do have on the boards I most commonly use. I will add that I dont tend to use the GF much for cutting board as my board cutter does do a much tidier job, but I have done some experimentation.
Masking is pretty much essential as most boards will tend to give off an oily smoke, the residue of which settles on the edges of the cuts and is impossible to remove effectively, also the charr on the edges of the board will need to be removed as even when covered with cloth, it has the potential to off gas potentially damaging fumes.
I tend to cut on higher powers and at higher speeds where possible as this does seem to cut down (slightly) on smoke.
Anyway, for what it’s worth here is my still embryonic cutting settings sheet.
Has anyone found the right settings for Davey Board or other bookboard since this discussion started? I want to cut through .067 thickness. I know I can run some tests, but I wanted to ask here, first! Thanks.