Cutting Denim -- making stuffed animals

This past weekend, my daughter wanted to make a stuffed animal. Here is what we ended up with:

We took some old Jeans and cut them up.

We found some tutorials online.
This one had great instructions, but no pattern:

This one had a pattern I could use (but not great instructions).

I downloaded the pattern, traced it in Inkscape, and then cut the denim with the Glowforge. Here is the SVG that I made from that pattern. NOTE I am not claiming that this is my own. It is definitely a trace of the pattern on the above website.

File 1 (right click/save as):

File 2:

You’ll have to figure out which way to put the material in the GF so you get dark and light fabrics.

To cut denim I used 300 zooms, 55 pews (yellow lines). It cut very well. I was also able to make marks on the denim using 500 zooms and 10 pews (blue lines). Those marks were to help figure out where to make certain seams once we started sewing.

I did all the cutting and pinning. She did all the sewing. It was a great daddy/daughter project for the weekend.

My daughter was happy. And her younger brother was happy too, since the whale is almost shaped like a football. It was a lot of fun to throw it around too.

Now we’re looking for more sewing patterns and more used jeans.


How sweet. It is so cool. And if you haven’t heard this song, it’s perfect. Just change: my daddy made me a rubber blubber whale.


That’s cute! I saved a ton of old jeans for crafting - I need to look for some patterns too.

@marmak3261, I’m going to send you the bill from the doctor required to untangle my tongue. :rofl:


This is so cool! And she is adorable. Great project!


#KidJoy is one of the greatest things ever! Nice work Dad!


Awwwwww, that is so cute! Thanks for denim instructions. I notice she has your smile!


Great project. You krilled it. Really good example of giving old jeans a new porpoise. I can’t baleen the results. Really just un-beluga-ble.


Very nice! Any other reject with a child is way more fun! Cute girl, too!


What a wonderful project and a great use of recycling denim!


I have a stack of denim I’ve been saving, time to dig it out!
Thanks for the inspiration!

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Reduce, Re-use, Recycle - Nice, Nice, Nice!

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Wow! That’s great. Your daughter’s smile says it all!

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